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A really curvy girl who everybody wants. She attracts lots of male attention but tries to act like she doesn't so her friends feel better. I guess you can say she got the juice!

Boy 1: Is that a Lettie-Ann I see there?
Boy 2: Yea you can tell by her curvylicious body.

by AlondraR January 5, 2016


Anne-Véronique is the sweetest person you could possibly meet. She is nice to everyone and smiles at the crowd but deep down she feels like shit. She’s the friend who’s always there for you. She acts like everything is fine but beneath the surface her world is broken. She needs help but no one seems to notice.

Anne-Véronique is so adorable.

Anne-Véronique you said a bad word!

by Toutoukaloo November 22, 2021

anne blanche

A stunningly beautiful girl that’s almost too perfect for the word. She brings life into every room and may not know it, but people often think about her. Her beauty makes her irresistible to everyone, and her funny personality will make you laugh on the darkest day. Anne Blanche is the definition of perfect.

I wish i could be an Anne Blanche.

by thelitsavage February 6, 2018

Layla Ann Grace Dennis

complete and utter crackhead. useless with really bad breath.

Layla Ann Grace Dennis is UH OH STINKY

by dingalingadingdong123 October 27, 2019

Anne Bazile

A name for a guy who is usally gay and does what he can to fit into society. Anne is an original girl name and easy to remember. He chooses Anne so people will remember him and think of him as an original gay man

hey remember that guy Anne Bazile?

Oh Yeah that gay guy? What about him
He has changed the way i think of gay people

by Chicken God October 20, 2016

ree ann

ugly smelly girl who likes fxy

omg is that ree ann? the smelly girl?

by teletubby toes February 13, 2022

Sue Ann

a name of a crackhead, they are definitely pretty, and maybe emo, yet still embody the brain of a two year old. Someone who is a great friend, and loveable. an awesome buddy, sibling, and daughter. charestics of a sue ann regard being short, usually with brown eyes and dark hair. if your freind is named sue ann, never say goodbye. if your dating a sue ann though.... good luck

guy 1:sue ann is so hot, I wanna date her
guy 2 :you sure, she can be something?

by sexy slammer April 30, 2022