A man who will do anything for an energy drink.
Usually has a massive cock
1:Will you tickle my pickle for a nickel Hunter
2: nah but I’ll do some slutty shit for an energy drink
Hunter is a homosexual with a small penis. He has big booty and enjoys getting pegged in woodshacks and is very active on footfinder. he is not very book smart but he is very passionate on his knees. hunter is often a brick layer with blond hair and has a Chlamydia kink.
Hunter is a predator
A 15 year-old 6'4 youth who hails from Bloomington. He wears glasses and has the physic of a Holocaust victim, much to the disappointment of his dad who wanted him to be a Hunter. Interestingly enough, his name means someone who SLAYS, OMG QUEEN, we STAN a disillusioned youth.
OMG that Hunter. . . Oh we STAN, isn't he such a QWEEN. Gods Hunter is a royal monarch.
Is crazy in bed and usually has brown hair with brown eyes and most the time a boy and he’s a sex fall basically he’ll do anything to get some but when he finds the one he loves he’s stuck “ pussy wiped and wouldn’t do anything to hurt her/ he!
Your dating hunter he’s a freak
hunter and skye should date and he is the most awesome best friend and when baelan says something mean he doesnt mean it
hunter is awesome
He is a very short person.
Lexi: Oh, my god! Look how short he is!
Gabbie: Yeah
Ava: He a little but taller than me
Patrick: He is short
Aubrey: Hunter a little too short