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Popcorn Lips

When someone's lips are full and red after eating popcorn.

"You know, her lips are unusually big and smooth. . ." ~ "Naw, those are just popcorn lips."

by Princess_Luna January 23, 2012

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Lip Curl

Drunk D.J.

D.J.'s lip curl was spotted early on in the night.

by Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee89 October 3, 2011

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Lip Puffer

When a woman places a lit cigarette or cigar in her vagina and contracts her muscles to puff the smoke.

Juanita sure is a major lip puffer. That bitch is blowing smoke rigns

by Teninch Tool July 29, 2008

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Booty lip

The part of the buttcheek that sticks out of booty shorts and pokes out like a lip every time you walk

Karen got fired because her shorts showed her booty lip

by Karenfromstarbucks March 24, 2019

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Prison lip

Taking your dip out of your lip and hiding it inside your foreskin until the coast is clear and safe to return to your mouth.

I had a fat dip in when my wife came home. I tucked it in my prison lip and went to the garage where I threw it back in.

by Chester_83 January 7, 2022

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Halfi Lips

Lips that look unappetizing, overly wet, and possibly smelly; unkissable.

I thought that Jesse was kinda cute until I noticed that he has Halfi Lips.

by Jessica Tam1 December 3, 2010

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lip service

To tell a person off; to argue with superb stability and backing

Man, don't be lettin' her give you lip service like that.

by madison7667 May 14, 2004

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