twerk ona dick love ona dick suck ona dick fuck ona dick
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An asthmatic baby dragon that wheezes small puffs of fire. Just wants to make friends, but ends up accidently burning stuff down, when he forgets his inhaler. The last time was at a furniture store. His friend was really looking forward to that sofa set. It was so soft before it was crispy.
Puff the magic dragon is seriously over having asthma.
Puff the magic dragon wishes he got his name listening to Bob Marley and smoking a bowl instead. He thinks that sounds nice.
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The act or art of making food extremely hot or otherwise unpleasant to eliminate in a bowel movement later. This is a play on "juju" magic, a form of West African witchcraft.
Oooh, my gosh! My stomach is upset! That chef sure can make powerful doo doo magic! I need to go to the bathroom.
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A game. When male and a female, of post-pubescent age, zipper themselves in a sleeping bag with toy soldiers. A battle rages until the toy soldiers have fired their last bullet. Usually the female receives the brunt of the onslaught, especially if the male is using some biochemical spray to attack the female from the inside. A cease-fire is eventually imposed because someone claims "you got it in my eye." But then the magic happens and presto chango, a baby has been made.
Jason and Rylee were friends forever until they decided to play a little game called sleeping bag magic. Both prepared their troops for battle, and sealed themselves in the bag, vowing not to unzip until someone was victorious. Alas, no magic happened because Jason and Rylee didn't realize that you need one girl and one guy for magic to happen. Two guys will never create a fetus with toy soldiers.
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smoke a bong or just go smoke weed
"were are we going?"
"bro wer gona puff the magic dragon ay"
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Your doing a girl from behind and you hit her in the back of the head and knock her out. then you ride her down the stairs.
I gave that girl a magic carpet ride.
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The miracle that is black womanhood. Almighty Jah created black women in his image and likeness to be a source of awe and wonderment for all mankind.
Black girl magic is exemplified by the following: calm and poise in stressful situations, rich in heritage from the African continent, fully independent but still keepin' in real, thicc irresistible figure, and a celebration of all things Soulful.
Did you see how Imani calmly yet firmly diffused that disaster at yesterday's staff meeting? She is black girl magic incarnate.
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