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Your mom

A 1rst grade comeback that only children 2 and up use. If you still use it, your a gay little bitch

HEY YOUR A IDIOT” “your mom

by Iatecrapwhatyougonnado November 23, 2020

Your mom

No your mom

Your mom no to dad

by Thatoneweirdgirlllll July 15, 2021

your mom

your mother

"hey your mom is a nice lady"

by EpicClag May 31, 2022

Your Mom

Your mother.

Guy 1: Hey!
Guy 2: Your mom.
Guy 1: not funny + didnt laugh + ratio

by barackobama69420 May 28, 2022

Your Mom

Literally your mom

I love your mom

by Jwowjvsfrsywh February 25, 2023

Your mom

2013 joke of the year

guy: your mom
girl: your mom

by easycashsnipah January 4, 2021

Your Mom

Noun: The Person Who Is Your Mother
Verb: A very overused comeback, mainly used by not intelligent children.

Person 1: BroYou are Ugly.
Person 2: Your Mom!

by Roomieofficial November 14, 2022