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Friends who stuck together,spill tea, talk about snacks and snakes.

Hey sister what are we doing today!

by Ashleyr 69 March 13, 2018


Your best friend really you couldn't live without her sometimes you might not like her but that is ok

i couldn't live without my sister she's amazing

by Micheal.jackson May 12, 2021


Being sisters means you have to watch stranger things together.

Older sister : want to watch Stranger Things this afternoon?
Younger sister: of course we are sisters!!

by Picklesaresuperior June 8, 2022


A gender-neutral term used to describe LITERALLY everybody.

Hey sister! Hey you sister snatched my wig today! I sister stan.

by SisterSnapped102 October 2, 2018


a sister is someone who can be annoying sarcastic and loud but they are also someone who is loyal who is funny who is the prettiest person ever they are always there for you no matter what you can tell them anything and you know they arent telling anyone you can trust them with your life they are a built in best friend and you know you can count on them when things are rough you know they’re there they are tje definition of happiness and you should always be there for them how they’re there for you even if they bicker/argue with you they still wouldnt trade you for the world and i would never trade her/them for the world i love her with all my heart they have always stood by you and always will they are so important to me i wouldn’t trade them for anything i love them/her so much

i love my sister and forever will

by northfacee April 19, 2023


A fucking who’re that will mess your whole life up in seconds such a fucking bitch

A very kind girl that would help you with anything Hates fight with you and loves you and shows it

Oh my sister is so kind to me!
I wish my fucking ass ugly single retarded Down syndrome autistic monkey sister would go right to 2 and jump off the Eiffel Tower!

by KitKatchapcvunty June 18, 2024


In the worls : Someone from the same mother

In Alabama: your lover

Yeeyee boii: this is my girlfriend Barb
Dude: isn't that your sister
Yeeyee boii: no dumbass she's my girlfriend AlAbAmA BoRn AnD rAiSeD yEeYeE

by yellow haired gurl November 8, 2019