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Nigga Syndrome

When a white person turns into a black person

Ex: Once you go black you never go back

Bobby : I got that nigga syndrome

Tim : I can totally tell , you already look black

by george rogar July 24, 2014

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Imposter syndrome

When you feel like you don’t belong. For example, someone with imposter syndrome may think that everyone in their class is smarter than them. if your class is learning about this be prepared for a kid to make an among us joke EVERY FUCKING SECOND

Teacher: ok class, does anyone know what imposter syndrome is?


by Bick Cox January 17, 2022

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m.A.A.D Syndrome

A term coined by EmpLemon, referring to when a show has a cynical anti-hero that the fanbase loves. m.A.A.d Syndrome stands for β€œmanic Antihero Attachment disorder”.

Rick and Morty suffered m.A.A.d Syndrome at it’s most popular point, sad.

by Mattok101 February 2, 2021

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Austin syndrome

The state of making either drunk or irrational decisions due to a recent break up

Sherry: Hey Kevin just sold that $10000 watch his ex gave him
Kelsey: Oh looks like he has a touch of Austin Syndrome

by The True KNG July 18, 2010

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Dalmatian Syndrome

When a guy has a skin discoloration on his penis resulting in spots.

1: Did you see Ryan's penis?
2: No, why?
1: He has spots.
2: Oh, so dalmatian syndrome.

by Phillip Joebob Fisher VI November 4, 2010

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Mlia Syndrome

When a troubled youth who constantly reads mlia stories starts day dreaming and fantasizing about ninjas and pirates, and running around their school in costume of some mythical creature.

Person1: You know that loser jordan whose in love with mlia?

Person2: yea hes infatuated with it, all he does is talk about ninjas.

Person1: Yeah hes got a real bad case of Mlia syndrome.

by mliabutfyl December 10, 2009

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Scopely Syndrome

Feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of whale spending by a victim towards Scopely

Oh man ! I've been Scopelied for all my time with them, but I still drop them cash, I guess I'm experiencing Scopely Syndrome.

by Narcissae June 28, 2019

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