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Left Nut

The stronger nut of the two, and very high in nutritional value.

I love eating a good left nut!

by PeePeeWhacker May 25, 2023

Acting Left AF

When you're not acting right as an individual.

Person 1: Bro, I was acting left af last night.

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: Bc I wasn't right.

by UrBoiDipps August 22, 2018

Naked Left

The worst offensive football play ever called in the history of mankind.

No way, coach just called Naked Left with the game on the line, this is not going to go well.

by Kyle McHugh May 1, 2024

Left-leg syndrome

The uncontrollable need to sneak into your neighbors garden to sniff their grass and steal their cat food to feed your gorilla.

My name is Darrel and I have been diagnosed with left-leg syndrome.”

by Normal people other than Chloe February 10, 2019