A person who tries to run a artsy Instagram account with their I-phone taking photos of casual random objects with a photo app probably called 'Retro Film' and then uses a caption we all know they got of Google
Oh her Instagram is a orange brick
The process in which you fit 18 oranges in your booty.
Have you ever succeeded in the 18 orange challenge? It's where you insert 18 oranges into your anol cavity.
A really stinky guy dosent wash his clothes or shower and has a a green cloud of stench that follows him wherever they go also has like 9 kids as he lacks the fundamental understanding of basic personal hygiene
That Liam b is a real Bobby orange I heard his bird has too force him too shower and wash his clothes
“Orange mc twisty mc twist”
The one person in Iballistic squids comment section with the randomest name ever
Shout out to Orange mc twisty mc twist
Every time u say “ orange mc twisty mc twist” stampy will spin around in a circle and say
“Orange mc twisty mc twist,
Orange mc twisty mc twist,
Orange mc twisty mc twist”
Try it next time he’s live 😉
Btw if ur confused this is from iballistic squids YouTube channel
“Mincraft Xbox - Island Of Eden - Orange Mctwisty Mctwist! (9)” :)
“Orange Mc twisty Mc Twist, I see you watching this Videoooo”
“Hey stampy”
“Orange mc twisty mc twist”
* stampy spinning around*
“Orange mc twisty mc twist,
Orange mc twisty mc twist,
Orange mc twisty mc twist”
Your welcome stampy and squid fans 😌
Orange marmalade activity is when your friend or someone you know is acting in a way that is homosexual or suspect
You bro you remember my night night bed time robe?
Man you on some orange marmalade activity
A nightmarish 1000-foot tall, Godzilla-like creature resembling President Trump in the novel, The Man Who Voted for Trump who terrorizes ex-Trump supporters and battles the Russian army on the streets of Moscow.
The Orange Pompadour is on the rampage again!
The act of snorting a mixture of cum and adderall out of an anus.
Yo, I heard that hooker likes Dirty Orange Creamsicles!