Someone who can't really type definitions that well in Urban Dictionary-or have no urban sense whatsoever, so instead, they make up random nouns that sound like crap when used in a sentence.
The definitions of the word lamer is usually pretty cheesy and stupid; they are almost always in association with structures like "is such a", "is totally a", or "acts like a".
These people probably spend their days at the malls and never even seen anyplace urban before, or are just uncreative.
Synonymous to n00b
Word Lamer Guy: Duuuuddee, Christie didn't give me any last night. Instead she was playing 6 hours of habbo hotel while gobbling up some cheetos. Ugh she is such a habgobble!
Bob: Uhm... wow. What in the world did you just say dude?
Word Lamer Guy: Shut up man! Gosh, Bob always acts like a Gremkledopey!
Bob: ...
A definition of a word that Urban Dictionary puts on their main page.
Why hasn't there been a word of the day for the last 6 days?
Weasel words are commonly used amongst bureaucrats to appear as if they have an idea of what they are talking about. Beware when using in written communication as someone smarter may just pull you up.
Did you catch that legend carve up Caroline at the hearing?
Caroline? The weasel words chick?
Yeah, that Caroline.
Nah mate, couldn't cop all the gibberish.
An imagined court which tries lawsuits against a specific word or phrase which is accused of being illogical, deceptive, fraudulent, or offensive to someone.
Word Court is currently trying the word HAMBURGER, LIPSTICK, BIRTH CONTROL, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, and others.
Welcome to Word Court, where words go on trial.
Today, we will hear oral arguments in case number 52-67-42, Consumers v Commercial Users of the word HAMBURGER.
Mr. Prosecuting Attorney, please state your case.
Your honor and members of the jury. This class action lawsuit is against the individuals, businesses, and corporations which use the word HAMBURGER to get consumers to buy what they call hamburgers, but are really dead cow flesh sandwiches. They do so by indirectly saying that the dead animal flesh is a meat which is or contains HAM. That is a false statement. Ham is more expensive than beef because it is made from a cut of a dead pigs’s leg, processed, and preserved by adding salt and other spices. Ham is made around the world including regional specialties such as Westphalian ham, Spanish jamón, Italian Prosciutto, and Smithfield ham in the US. The curing process takes from 9–months to a year.
Thank you, Mr. Prosecutor. We will now hear the defense attorney.
Your honor and members of the jury, the facts you just stated make it clear that the word HAM does not belong in the word HAMBURGER. Hamburgers should be called beefburgers or meatburgers, not HAMBURGERS.
How do you clients plea?
My clients plea "nolo contendere",
and apologize to everyone for having used the word HAMBURGER.
A catch phrase but only one word.
Justin: Fun
Me: Don’t steal my catch word
The N-Word is a bad word. I will not say it but don’t say the N-Word.
Situation 1:
Black person: Yo Yo Yo what up my N-Word!
Situation 2:
White person: F-Word you, you stupid N-Word!