Source Code

Retarded Bieber Mode

The mode when Justin Bieber is drunk usually associated with an upside down head and actions like serenading old ladies naked

Uh oh Justin Bieber has entered retarded Bieber mode everyone panic!!!

by Epictailz June 8, 2017

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rocking chair mode

a state of being so busy yet being busy can't get you anywhere..

buying time,

unproductively busy,

on relationships - being boyfriend / girlfriend for 5 years and up

hey want to join us for coffee?

sorry can't come, i'm busy..

busy with what? your video games?

i just wonder when will u be off from your rocking chair mode?

How long have you been with your boyfriend now?

uhhmm.. long enough to be considered as a rocking chair mode

by lazy laila May 11, 2011

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Bo-Bo Mode.

Being bogus or on some other type shit.
Not being real, or acting brand-new.

Tia: Hey girl, are me, you, and Tasha still on for tonight?

Brie: Who knows, I have called her twice and both times I

got her voice mail.

Tia: Oh, Sounds like she on Bo-Bo Mode.

Brie: Yepp.

by BriezeLah November 17, 2010

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full kill mode

When you are wearing all or mostly black clothes. for example: black vans, black jeans with a black sweater or t-shirt. Different than a goth or emo look. Generally different shades of black will be used.

Are you wearing faded black jeans with a black sweater?
Your going full kill mode tonight.

by Major juul rips February 3, 2020

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light mode

people who use light mode eat shit and suck on old mens toes

don’t be a light mode user.

β€œyo alan is sucking old man dave’s toes”

β€œah, he must be a light mode user”

by imoldmandave April 16, 2022

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fat moded coconut

See Javier Meija, a confused Mexican obessed with white women and their culture. Insists upon showing the natural world is 2 inch brown cock and talking about his merc.

"Hey, next week that fat moded coconut is getting married"

by Herbie Vershcmels November 12, 2004

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beast mode cowboy

One Bad Ass Hombre. A state of mind that very few men can obtain. The greatest conquerors of all time where Beast Mode Cowboys. 1. GENGHIS KHAN 1162-1227, 2. ALEXANDER THE GREAT 356-323 BC, 3. TAMERLANE 1336-1405, 4. ATILLA THE HUN 406-453, 5. CHARLEMAGNE 742-814. All throughout history Beast Modey Cowboy conquered.

Chuck Norris runs home and hides under his blanket so Beast Mode Cowboy will not find him.

by Frank Lucky 13 August 15, 2014

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