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mink yo shit

The action of beating up someone with bare hands

-Aye man back up before I mink yo shit

by Bigdiccmarty September 26, 2021

1👍 1👎

calm yo grits

A hermit crab version of calm yo tits
Used by protective parents. Some kids never grow out of it.

Person1: I hate you!
Person2: Whoa! Calm yo grits.
Person1: Wth does that mean!?
Person2: Calm down, my mom said it was a common saying...

by Parkderp1 February 1, 2016

Yo homie steve

The only real homie you have

Bro yo homie steve is so real bro he never switch up

by Sugma July 26, 2018

snatch yo weave

The definition of snatch yo weave is to physically grab someone's hair or wig due to frustration.

"Watch out before I snatch yo weave"
"Shut up imma snatch yo weave"

by jo mama26 August 10, 2021

Straight Up Yo

A lazy way of reassuring people when you don't speak proper English to begin with.

Person A: "Man I need that money you owe me man."
Person B: "Yeah man I got you straight up yo."

by straightupyo December 4, 2016

Daisuki da yo

The Japanese word for “I love you”, usually used romantically. A stronger form of daisuki or daisuki da. Mostly used to confess affection.

Person 1, confessing to the one they love: Daisuki da yo

by Justananimestan April 2, 2021

Yo Popa jokes

Pretty much the opposite of Yo Momma jokes.

No one uses these jokes because they would suck. They can't even be called to be honest.

Guy 1: Yo popa's so smart he made Bill Gates cry!

Guy 2: Come on man, no one uses yo popa jokes...

by Shenaniganguy September 8, 2016