Source Code

Open Leg Syndrome

Ailment suffered by women who can't keep their legs closed.

Stephanie suffers from Open Leg Syndrome.

by Gollum May 18, 2006

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close your legs

A phrase spoken when you smell any unpleasant odor (stump dump, lobster boat, dumpster at the shrimp plant, paper mill)within earshot of any female.

Used commonly on the coast of Maine as far back as the mid-1980s

(When walking down near the fish auction): "Jesus Christ, Tammy, close your legs, you skank!"

by Maine-uh July 22, 2006

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Textless Leg Syndrome

Similiar to textless syndrome, but with a better pun. You think your cell phone is going off with a text from your crush, but it is just your nerves. Common when sitting on the couch, watching TV or twiddling your thumbs. Symptoms include sweating and restlessness.

There it was again. The feeling. John slowly reached down and grabbed the phone from his pocket... he glanced down at the phone... no text. The sixth time he had done that. It seemed as if Emily would never text him back. He had heard of this. His friends once had a mild case of Textless Leg Syndrome, or TLS, but this was the full-blown case. It was teenage hunting season.

by Texter 4000 January 12, 2009

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horse leg

somoneone with long legs and a โ€œbigโ€ dick

oh my goodness babe you got horse legs

by taytayswizzleyo March 21, 2018

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Paedo Legs

When a woman's legs are in need of a shave.

I had to wear jeans today cause I've got really bad paedo legs.

by holly and georgia October 17, 2009

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dad legs

Legs that are so daddy they are Dad legs

Danggggg boyyyy look at thoes Dad legs.

by Death Star October 31, 2017

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Stanky Leg

When a leg is gangrenous, it will sometimes secrete a foul-smelling pus.

Soldiers, while marching through Vietnamese wetlands, often would become gangrenous, and when left untreated, would have one hell of a Stanky Leg.

by UncleDoden June 5, 2019

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