When one is having intercourse with his girlfriend in the proverbial "doggy style" position an you quickly switch out with your buddy, then run outside an wave at you girlfriend.
Bro my girlfriend broke up with me. I don't know why she was so pissed. I only angry windowed her.
The act of draping oneself over an open window while completely naked.
"Hey man. Wanna go window draping tonight?
when you draw a swastika and turn it into a window
why is there so many window doodles in your book?
Safe Mode loads basic computer files like The Main Part of the O.S, when you’re computer is infected with spyware/Malware. Entering Safe mode only loads basic drivers. So no Viruses!!!! But you will find all sorts of random strange things like it’s not possible for Regular Computing. And the only games are Microsoft Solitaire And Minesweeper. It can be activated at start up by mashing f4 (Possible Changed to f8)
Windows Safe Mode
Nine Windows is a collaborative project between Kid Drama & DJ Trace.
Nine Windows is fookin insane m8, Kid Drama and DJ Trace together in a fookin studio m8! Drum and Bass man, you gotta check it oot m8!
A window snakr is a peeping tom with his cock on the window sill
The window slammed down on the window snake
A Word For A Clean Freak Your Mom,A Window Cleaner....You
Kid: Mom Mr.Thomas Is Scary
Mom: How?
Kid: He's A Clean Freak
Mom: He Sure Has Some Window Grease Then
Kid: Mom, You Need Help
Mom: I Know *Cries*