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The term "anti-culture" describes the group (referred to as cults) that have no culture whatsoever and therefore latch on to what is.

This creates a need to become dependant on each other, needing validation, resulting in one individual.

bob bobbington: wow! fred, you are so original.

fred freddly: yeh i know, yesterday i went to a hard core rock club for 12-17 year olds and they played green day. green day rock!!

bob bobbington: wow, you are so cool. hardly anyone listens to green day apart from me.

fred freddly: I have bought the latest album.

bob bobbington: as have i.

fred freddly: i'm bored of it now

bob bobbington: me too... oo look system of a down just brought out an album, let us cheapen the value of their real fans and become obsessed for the pure sake of it.

fred freddly: yay! this is my fave pastime.

non-cult person: you have no individuality!

fred freddly: we are so individual, your just emo!

(variation of actual discussion)
see emo anti culture

by Kim/Norma/Kelly July 7, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who refuses to accept several thousand years of medical research. They believe that immunisation is purely to profit pharmaceutical companies.
Anti-vaxers also believe that vitamin c can cure everything from a cold to cancer.

caution, do not mention science to an anti-vaxer as this will result in meme-spamming.

I am an anti-vaxer. I reject your reality and will counter it with this meme bout Nazi's.

by anti-anti-vaxers September 3, 2015

63๐Ÿ‘ 231๐Ÿ‘Ž


you dislike furries
oh thank god you are anti-furries they suck

guy: are you anti-furry? guy 2: yeah i dislike furries

by furryhatespeech.mp3 January 31, 2023

5๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anti-vaxxers are people who believe vaccines are dangerous and actually give you the disease they are fighting off or just believe vaccines are dangerous in general. The first reason why anti-vaxxers started thinking like this is that a FRAUDULENT doctor claimed there was a link between MMR and Autism, from an experiment between 12 children. That doctor has been fired. There have now been studies of over 1,000,000 children and there has been no link between MMR and Autism...

Anti-vaxxers are not smart people

by jshssh August 17, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somebody who is anti-truth. Somebody who derides, vilifies, berates or otherwise insults anyone who expresses the need to investigate the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the USA further, or who belittles anyone who believes the official version of the events are at least inadequate. Somebody who is unwilling to consider evidence which goes against the official version of the events of the terrorist attacks on America. The antonym of truther.

It is common for anti-truthers to label truthers as un-American.

The campaign for 9-11 truth came up against opposition from anti-truthers.

by ubermarklar October 23, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anti Ginger

One's rejection and ridicule toward Gingers for their lack of souls. The beliefe that Gingers are responsible for much of the evil in the world such as, Catostrophic events, wars, hunger, terrorist attacks, and homeless animals.

Gingers have souls... Lets crush them.

Anti Ginger

1. Prejudice toward people with red hair

2. One who dislikes ginger root

3."Did you hear Connan Obrien's Show got cancled,? to bad, I liked that silly soulless ginger."

4. Fire crotch, kinky

5.Gingers have souls... Lets crush them

by AG Party December 30, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who enjoys anime and Japan but makes fun of weebs for being obsessed over it.

Anti-Weeb: Cory in the House is the best animu ever
Weeb: Shut up
Anti-Weeb: HA! You fuking weeb

Weeb: I'm an otaku!!
Anti-Weeb: Shut up faggot I'm watching Dragon-ball Z

by MyGlockHurts July 1, 2017

25๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž