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Bar skank stank

The smell of a girl who is at the bar every night of the week. Like she took a shit and didn’t wipe.

I was about to go smash the girl at the end of the bar but she had that bar skank stank.

by Daddy walker March 17, 2023

Old Man bar

A bar whose primary clientele consists of older men, most of whom are married and go to an old man bar to get away from their wives. Most old man bars are spartanly furnished, and prices tend to be cheaper than average. There is a large overlap with "beer and shot" bars. Most old man bars are working class, as upper class men that age will congregate in country clubs or more upscale drinking establishments.

My unlce always goes to Jack's Tavern, but my aunt doesn't care because it's just an old man bar. He is not going to meet any women there.

by vonratt March 7, 2014

Power Squeeze Bars

The bars found in handicap stalls so that retards don't fall over while laying bricks that are also used by normal people to squeeze while shitting to increase the intensity of the dump by up to 10x.

I couldn't get all of my poop out until I grabbed the power squeeze bars and clutched so hard that all fecal matter was let loose.

by niggasteve11 June 2, 2010

3👍 1👎


A mixture of ketchup and bbq sauce, usually ate with chicken strips/fish sticks/all other meat products you can find in your school cafeteria.

Created by Allen Dillard.

Alren:"fuck ketchup I want me some bar-b-chop!"
Kelsi:"yeah bar-b-chop makes everything taste better"

by chanelkawaii May 30, 2008

Maldovian Klondike Bar

The act of chemically castrating yourself for a Klondike bar

This was so worth having to perform the Maldovian Klondike Bar on myself.

by KlondykeBar February 24, 2021

Monkey bar ankles

The feeling you get in your ankle or ankles from jumping off monkey bars, steps or any high place, a kind of like shock in you ankle joint you get from landing after a small jump off something. Where you cartilage doesn't absorb the shock from jumping or landing and it causes a jolt of pain through the ankle or foot.

When I jumped off the porch I got monkey bar ankles and it hurt.

by AmlyknoOtha January 22, 2018

Monkey in a bush bar

Gay bar

Oh I get why there are no women here. This is a monkey in a bush bar.

by RumpRider May 11, 2022