An aggressive naval maneuver whence two allied ships encapsulate an enemy ship and prepare for boarding. Upon turning too hard the allied ships collide and both are pushed off course. One to sink and one to ram ranch a rock. A big fucking rock.
"Jalen, arm yourself and prepare for the California Pinch" - Captain Zach
Avocado toasts plus peanut butter and jelly on it.
My wife loves the California PB & J I make her for breakfast.
Like a California stop where your car continues to slowly roll through the stop sign, but with a drink meant to be just a sip that turns into a bit more.
Person 1: Let me take a sip.
Person 2: it better be a small one, and not a California sip!
The worst states. I’m sorry but they are bad. I’m a Cajun and have no use for these people.
(Don’t worry, there are lots of things out there in this world with Suck.)
California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington are full of morons
That act of stuffing a water hose up your rectum and turning the water on full blast.
Alex looked like a water balloon after doing a California Water Balloon
When a female with a yeast infection rubs her vagina all over someone's face, leaving a chunky white paste behind. This is an extended version of a snail trail
This woman gave me California Cottage Cheese because I was unaware she was infectious
Loud and obnoxious, leaking with narcissism. Typically unintentionally rude but not purposely. Simply ignorant.
-That’s so cool! I’m gonna make this conversation about myself now.
-Oh shit I’m sorry I interrupted you, all the pot I’ve been smoking will make me forget what I was gonna say so I interrupted you in an extremely obnoxious manner.
-dang man I can tell you’re from California cause you’re so obnoxious
“Dang man I’m so sorry I guess I’m being soooo California rude”