When you are talking to a friend whilst going through puberty and it fucks with your voice
Person 1: Damn did you hear that roger had a puberty crack while talking to the teacher it was hilarious he was like "and then rEEchard" he was so embarrassed
Person 2: lol m8
Someone who seems extremely drunk without touching any alcohol
My mother is a serious crack goblin she always seems drunk
its something that drives you, something that makes you want to achieve something.
apple is steve jobs inner crack
What you call someone that does crack and runs around scaring people
The guy at the beach acted like a crack monkey
crack is a rapper from Chicago's westside known for his music and eccentric sense of life
joe, chris crack cool but he a weirdo in real life.
Crack vacuum is the definition of being a idiot or stupid
J hope your being a crack vacuum
Your shriveled genitals after smoking crinack
- "The Jake Enos" & "CrystalSeth"
She laughed at me when I pulled my pants down & she seen I had crack meat