Usually applied to computer software or a system that's a mess at every level. The more you investigate the problem, the more problems turn-up in a seemingly never-ending fractal of shit.
"This entire system was written by retards. It's just shit, built on shit, built on shit. It's a shit-fractal."
When you wait so long for your Uber that you shit your pants. There are two kinds of Uber shitters...those that will still get in the car with their shitty pants and that those that refuse to get in, out of respect for the upholstery.
After a big meal and several draft beers, Ryan and his crew needed an Uber to take them to the club. Their driver, Omar, was still 10 minutes away when Ryan started having terrible shit pains. Rather than risk missing the ride and disappointing his crew, he decided to hold it in till they got to the club....bad decision. With Omar but minutes away, Ryan dropped an Uber shit straight through his underwear and into his pants. The Uber pulled up to the curb and now it was crunch time. Ryan refused to get in the car, it was a matter principle. His crew jumped in and swore they would never tell anybody about the incident. Ryan stood alone on the sidewalk and called his mom to bring him pants and underwear.
someone who is generally not a bad person but, when added to a turdhurder (ringleader) they become mindless douche bags.
Joey and johnny were just fine untill jack showed up to turdhurd them. what stupid shit sheeps
shit sheep
When someone, who is a powerlifter, Defecates. Often resulting in a clogged toilet due to the sheer amount of fecal matter they release due to constantly being in a state of caloric surplus.
Hey Bob, don't go in the washroom man. I think Jack just took one of his Massive Powerlifter Shits again and flooded the entire bathroom after attempting to flush.
Mostly Material Posessions, "Balla' Shit" Can Be Anything From Houses, Clothes, Cars, Expensive Fur Coats, Women, Money, Jewels, Etc.
In The Words Of Dave Chappelle: Ladies & Gentlemen, The first T-Rex the the world has seen in 4 million years is happening in my home! That's the most Balla' Shit ever son!
when you are told to have sexual relations with a female and someone is concise and explanatory to you.
Mike, Pimp that Shit!!
( refers to having sex with a female)
Dude! he Pimped that Shit till No tomorrow!!!!
A situation where yourself,or another person causes temporary frustration & anger,time wasting and an increased desire to blaspheme.
e.g When somebody nips into a parking space that you have been patiently waiting for for more than five minutes.
Diane: Hey Ginny! that guy is now going to reverse out of that space,lets wait.
Sam: Well spotted Miss D! You are so cool!
(5 minutes later)
Ginny:NO WAY LOOK! There's snaggletooth! nipping in to the space we have been waiting for! What a SHIT-ARSER!!
All three: She should know bettda!!(look it up)