The act of a female jumping from dick to dick.
I've been told from multiple friends Kelly been stump jumping between 5 diff guys.
Being inconsiderate and uncommitted to a relationship w/ a girl and doing the posterized pose in basketball while you’re at it
Why are you jump booming me?!?
When you use 75m of anal beads instead of the bungee cord. You jump off and to slowdown you have to clench your butthole.
After dinner with her parents I went extreme bungee jumping and I had a prolapsed asshole. I shouldn’t have had the lasagna.
Refers to making high risk but high reward decisions.
Comes from Evbo’s Minecraft YT series “Parkour Civilization” where noobs in the civilization are forced to choose between making an easy jump for raw chicken or a more difficult jump for raw beef (which fills your hunger bar more) instead.
“Why is he jumping for the beef?”
- Parkour noob while watching another parkour noob fall into the void after missing the beef jump.
Underage kids will ask for a "jump in" from someone who can buy alcohol
Kid: Yo man can i get a jump in
Junkie: aye sure but ya better geeze a tip
Kid: aye sure just two bottles eh bucky
A nigga who jumps people and afraid to fight one on one
"ayo you tryna fight?"
"Nah, you a jump-nigga."