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A unit of time that is exactly two minutes. Purely coincidentally also the time it takes to makes a pot of instant noodles.

I'm just popping out for snack, see you in a noodle!

by Littlepunk February 14, 2022


the head, especially in the context of thinking

Something was off in her noodle.

by The Return of Light Joker May 18, 2010


A synonym for head.

My girlfriend gave me great noodle last night!

by Chittick March 20, 2024



mimi just sent me noodles

by dattboiiii November 28, 2016


A person who has few instagram followers or is generally not so popular.

I'm such a noodle. I can't break 500 on instagram.

by Shark smith October 22, 2017


a sorta lanky dude who’s like everyone’s gay but not gay best friend. he probably plays guitar or something else dumb and has an even dumber best friend named goose

imagine being friends with noodle

by uhhhhh just me i guess December 16, 2021


In the term of saying the word "Nudes" but in secret so others won't understand.

Individual 1: Damn last night was lit, got some noodles from Jane.

Individual 2: oh damn sweet bro.

Individual 3: what the hell are u talking about???

by Ralph the producer January 7, 2017