used to describe a woman's ass or boobs and how good they look that they might as well have come from California
man 1: hey see that girl, thats my ex
man 2: whoa I can't have her but she got that california perfection!
man 3: she may as well have come from california since her boobs are sooooo fresh
man 1: mmmmm...
(Total Pedophile death) Used as a sort of dog whistle to rally for the death of pedophiles. Sometimes shortened to TPD. Commonly used on social media to bypass content guidelines.
(Video of pedophile)
Commenter: Totally perfect day
Commenter: (name of pedophile) biting the curb 4k, tpd
Full of perfection.
Used when beautiful just isn't enough.
Friend: *posts picture*
Me: *comments* I won't say beautiful, because beautiful means full of beauty, and you are full of way more than that. But sadly, perfectionful is not a word. But, if it was, I would say you are perfectionful. I guess I'll just have to make a new word.
"when the erection satisfys an interactee. Not necessarily limited to penis"
"I was having a look at what Bob had made, and it was quite simply erection perfection"
When a woman or a man has a balance of a good ass and legs.
My girls has the perfect ratio