Source Code

Rage Cage

A confined space where one goes to expel one's rage.

If I ever find the person who keyed my car, they're going to step into my rage cage.

by ozmodiar August 24, 2004

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Nerd Rage

When a person playing a video game gets extremely happy by either winning or getting a kill, that they yell out obscenities or a person who gets extremely angry and starts yelling after losing.

PicUpUrFace: (gets a kill) Get fucking body!

Vixen: Hey how about you turn down the nerd rage.

by El BiGGo April 12, 2009

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Rage Rider

A bad ass motherfucker who will knock you out for pissing them off in the least bit. disrespecting them is the stupidist thing you will ever do. but they're hella tight and will be friends with anyone until you loose thier respect. -RAGE RIDERZ AZ 623- a group of opinionistic and down ass G's, currently residing in the 623. pot smokers, troublemakers, and fun ass motherfuckers.

-yo homie who the fuck is that messin with them rage riderz?
-IDK doode, but he's fuckin stoopid do you remember the hoe who called out KRAYZIE?
-nah who?
-her name isn't importent but they call her monster now, KRAYZIE put that hoe in ICU!!
-dang KRAYZIE's fuckin insane, but damn she's fine.

by Dolla. January 30, 2009

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rage off

To masturbate when really pissed off to calm down

I'm so mad I'm going to rage off.

by Bobboeo April 17, 2017

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Nerd Raged

Getting zerged by nerds

i was going to edit the wiki for MEMS to say something like LOLZ MEMS IZ GAY AMIRITE?! but itll display my IP and i dont want to get nerd raged by the wiki nazis

by Manish K November 30, 2006

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Rage Cookie

When you rage your cookies and get double the amount you origionally had in your jar, explained further at www.cookienexus.webs.com/commands.htm under rage section.

<newbie> Oh yah, time to rage my 1m cookies.
<newbie> @Rage
<CookieBot> newbie has ate their rage cookie and doubled the amount of cookies he had!
<CookieBot> newbie now has 2 cookies
<newbie> fml forgot to withdraw from bank

by Cookie Master Rage January 7, 2010

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rage pants

metaphorical item of clothing said to be worn for the purpose of partying really hard and achieving optimal levels of fun.

I gotta pick up my rage pants from the cleaners and I'll be right over

by cmcg09 August 11, 2010

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