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Rice PC

1 Step Above a Potato PC
Most Laptops are Rice PCs
(It can run most 2d stuff Just Fine But With 3d stuff You need to turn quality to low to get 60fps)

Sorry bro. I can't have minecraft with shaders, I have a Rice Pc...

by Swampert Fan August 24, 2022

Rice Carr college

Shitty fucking norty skool needs burning down teachers little cunts

All the kids there are top class well behaved πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

Fuck rice Carr college

by FuckSkool May 25, 2019


A sub-litre rustbucket of a vehicle with half of Halfords bolted to the top half, and half of Maplins illuminating the bottom half.

Your premium is likely to be significant if you're a new driver, especially if male and under the age of 30 and driving a rice-wagon.

by deuteronomy January 11, 2011

nipple rice

It's the reminence of nipple chaffing.

I got a bad case of nipple rice right now

by Chaffynips69 August 4, 2017

Boiled Rice

Boiled Rice is a lowkey term for semen, and a direct refference toward sexual intercourse, the sexual prowess of an individual, the sexiness of an individual, or masturbation. Just google some pictures and your education will be complete.

β€œDude, that chic really boils my rice!”
β€œYo I heard Bonnie makes delicious boiled rice!”
β€œBig dawg, I was so tired and stressed, I boiled a couple of pots of rice.”

by Wideeyedasian September 3, 2018

rice pudding

When something exiting happens and it makes your body contract in diffrent places and say:iiiii

Iva! He texted me! I m feeling so rice pudding!

by Neverbeu December 6, 2019

Rice Pudding

A dessert made from rice, milk, sugar and raisins.

Fuck Abbie! Put some raisins in the rice pudding!…

by JoveInvictus March 1, 2022