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The Confetti shower

When your girl is deepthroating so hard that she's gonna puke.
So when you cum on her face, she starts puking on the ground while grinding her teeth to contain the lumps.
When you're done cuming and she's done puking, she showers with the lumps like confettis to celebrate.

Yo, I just did the confetti shower to my girl, it was lit.

by Le SaigneurDesAnus September 26, 2020

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coffee shower

A golden shower involving only black men.

Tyrone: Yo, wanna give that bitch a coffee shower?
Jayquellan: Of course my nigga. I was needin' a piss anyway.

by Corporalclegggg January 6, 2015

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Shower Monster

Much like a Blanket Monster a Shower Monster is any of the following:
a. A person who is constantly showering
b. A person who uses up all the hot water and leaves others to freeze
c. A person who takes an excessively long time in the shower (A.K.A. Bathroom Monster)

A. Since Bill was a germaphobe he was constantly taking showers, this earned him the nick name 'The Shower Monster.'
B. When Cindy was at camp it seemed as if you was always preceded by a Shower Monster. Not once her entire time there did she get a hot shower.
C. Jose's older sister was such a Shower Monster that often times she didn't leave the bathroom until after breakfast.

by TheBlanketMonster December 29, 2010

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shitting the shower

Having sex on the down low . Friends with benefits. Hooking up.

Nah man, we ain’t dating. We just shitting the shower.

by Onthedownlow May 10, 2019

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carpet shower

an uncomfortable shower in a bathroom fully carpeted floors walls even the bathtub

guy 1 dude sorry i just got out of my carpet shower
guy 2 what!?

guy 1 i had my bathroom fully carpeted

guy 2 oh god

by minniladds December 3, 2019

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star showers

When your significant other likes being showerd in cum by celebrity impersonators during a celebrity impersonators party!

"Dude check out that guys wife she sure love's her star showers!"

by Celebrity Jack October 15, 2015

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Brown Shower

To receive the contents of the bowels of another person for sexual gratification. Such practice is common amongst members of the bdsm community.

Nam Nam straddled David above his face and neck, relaxed her large Indian anal sphincter muscles and proceeded to evacuate her bowels. David moaned with pleasure as her watery stools invaded his nose and mouth. She dropped her huge brown shower all over his body.

by MrJim December 21, 2018

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