Some shit billy and Matthew don’t wanna tell me
“We shouldn’t ever tell thot mommy what dirt shirt means”
When you're eating a girl out, all while sitting in a giant mud pile.
Totally gave her the dirt beaver this past weekend.
when something is very unpleasant.
mate, did you see Archie's new shoes? they're bare dirt.
A new kind of respect or niceness on the internet that takes the place of real-world respect and niceness and that is mostly hypocritical, selfish and unable of respect and rationality.
It is what rather mediocre (or less than) and dim-witted people who look at the unfriendliness of most of the internet would choose as a way to be superior to that, meaning that it is basically just a way to be "superior on the internet" and another way to be unfriendly, small-minded and prejudiced.
Those people are incapable of formality and uncomplicated respect but instead have to pepper everything with sliminess, underhanded jabs, easily sparked personal grudges and "special rights". It is a confused, unqualified attempt at morality that is probably the biggest anti-morality.
Moderators that get paid and were picked mostly for a representational role often let it go to their head and are dirt-friendly.
Talking to dirt-friendly people is like talking to an animal, because they are so irrational yet full of themselves.
A suntan that ends up just being dirt that washes off
“I was complimented on my tan but when I got home and took a shower it was actually just dirt that washed off, it’s just a dirt-tantiful skin bronzer”
A dirt cloud is when a male jump-scares a grandma so badly that the old fuck sharts her pants while the male is ejaculating on the grandmas cane causing her to lose grip and face-plants popping both boobies
Hey tommy if you make me angry one more time im gonna dirt cloud your grandma