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cbk's mom

dumb bitch

you are like cbk's mom

by definitely cbk November 2, 2020

Hashtag Mom

A suburban mom who spends 99% of her life on instagram hash tagging the shit out of every fucking thing on her posts, singlehandedly responsible for making hashtags not cool anymore. 100% of a hashtag mom's hashtags actually don't link to a single other thing. Before he died, Stephen Hawking may have predicted that the demise of instagram would come as a result of hashtag moms annoying the fuck out of all the other users. #suburbanmom #whohashtagseverything #inherinstagramposts #tryingtobecool #notcoolitsannoying #annoyingaf #idontgiveashitaboutyourkidshalloweenparty

Dave: OMG what the fuck is with Kayla, she posted on instagram about going to the pumpkin patch with her kids preschool class and she put about 5 lines of hashtags on it. How annoying!
Anthony Weiner: What an annoying hashtag mom. I'm gonna unfollow her as soon as I finish posting these dick pics.

by RATTnroll August 22, 2019

mawdz mom

Mother of the Mawdz.

An amazing woman, who will make love to any man, woman or animal, in any orifice, for only 3 pennies.

Her wonder is only outshined by the tunnel of love.

WOW Mawdz mom, your the best ive ever had for 3 pennies.

by onewiththewang January 29, 2004

Ricky's Mom

Orange ginger mom
Single and is a free ride
She's a whale of a time

Ricky's mom is thick.

by John3Doe January 27, 2019


When a mother either provides a backhanded sympathetic statement, or completely disregards your well-being because she has/ has had it worse than you.

Thereby completely hijacking the conversation towards her being a mom


Me: I'm feeling so sick today

Her: oh, that's sucks lol. I remember feeling sick for 9 months, constantly throwing up, and had to be put on bed rest. Then had to go through 4 hours of labour.. but I hope you feel better soon!

Example 2.
Me: I'm feeling so exhausted lately, my Insomnia hasn't been letting me sleep.
Her: try having x amount of kids like I do, then try saying you're tired.

by NugLife08 November 20, 2017

Alexis's mom

The best person on the planet. She's pretty lit if I do say so myself.

Dang Alexis's mom is so lit .

by Tall white boy 03 October 5, 2016

petes' mom

Used as a substitute for Your Mom jokes. May be used by family members or close friends, when "Your Mom" would otherwise be inappropriate.

You have a little Dick! That's not what Petes' Mom said last night .

by TheRealBoterf9 November 1, 2017