A suburban mom who spends 99% of her life on instagram hash tagging the shit out of every fucking thing on her posts, singlehandedly responsible for making hashtags not cool anymore. 100% of a hashtag mom's hashtags actually don't link to a single other thing. Before he died, Stephen Hawking may have predicted that the demise of instagram would come as a result of hashtag moms annoying the fuck out of all the other users. #suburbanmom #whohashtagseverything #inherinstagramposts #tryingtobecool #notcoolitsannoying #annoyingaf #idontgiveashitaboutyourkidshalloweenparty
Dave: OMG what the fuck is with Kayla, she posted on instagram about going to the pumpkin patch with her kids preschool class and she put about 5 lines of hashtags on it. How annoying!
Anthony Weiner: What an annoying hashtag mom. I'm gonna unfollow her as soon as I finish posting these dick pics.
Mother of the Mawdz.
An amazing woman, who will make love to any man, woman or animal, in any orifice, for only 3 pennies.
Her wonder is only outshined by the tunnel of love.
WOW Mawdz mom, your the best ive ever had for 3 pennies.
Orange ginger mom
Single and is a free ride
She's a whale of a time
Ricky's mom is thick.
When a mother either provides a backhanded sympathetic statement, or completely disregards your well-being because she has/ has had it worse than you.
Thereby completely hijacking the conversation towards her being a mom
Me: I'm feeling so sick today
Her: oh, that's sucks lol. I remember feeling sick for 9 months, constantly throwing up, and had to be put on bed rest. Then had to go through 4 hours of labour.. but I hope you feel better soon!
Example 2.
Me: I'm feeling so exhausted lately, my Insomnia hasn't been letting me sleep.
Her: try having x amount of kids like I do, then try saying you're tired.
The best person on the planet. She's pretty lit if I do say so myself.
Used as a substitute for Your Mom jokes. May be used by family members or close friends, when "Your Mom" would otherwise be inappropriate.
You have a little Dick! That's not what Petes' Mom said last night .