It's where you ask to hangout with your most favorite person and devote an entire week to watching sharks and eatting yummy food like you're shark!
Hey Bob! Do you want to Shark week and chill? Shark week starts July 26!
A very rare shark that lives in fresh water rivers, normally small with lasers on there head to attack the pray... eats smaller fish and drags the larger fish to their mother for food
I almost died from a river shark last night!
Rainbow Shark Pog, it means epic, but more excited.
That Shark is doing The Ultimate Shark Pog
A person who, usually when called to the bench by the judge after failing a drug test, pretends to collapse with an ailment in the audience seating to such an extent that only one's bent elbow is visible above said seating, giving the appearance of a "fin".
I saw a meth shark today in the courtroom.
The professor started calling students up to the board and the guy behind me went all meth shark on him.
When someone is overthinking a situation, and therefore think that they are diving so deep they can see sharks, but really, they're just imagining them ("seeing" them in their head).
See Deeping it.
1 - I don't think she's into me.. Don't you think she's being a bit too friendly with Sue in that dark corner of this nondescript party??
2 - Mate, you're seeing sharks, I swear. Becky is as straight as Melissa's hair. You need to relax.
when you stick a knife handle up your friends ass while they lay on their belly, so the blade sticks out like a shark fin. this makes them crawl across the bed squirming back and forth whipping their feet side to side like a shark
i walked into to andy’s room and noticed that they had just been reverse shark attacked as they whipped across the bedroom
An song that has the lyrics “Scary flying shark, scary flying shark bla bla bla”
person 1: “have you heard of the song Scary Flying Shark!?”
Person 2: “leave me alone please you kept me in your basement for long enough.
Person 1: “oh your so silly!”