An edited verison of a canon bandori, love live!, revue starlight, idolmaster, etc sprite or card to fit or look like another character or original character/oc.
Wow! That card edit looks like a canon bandori card!
Used on ex-gf's,
Gives mates the permission to sleep with your ex, under the condition that after he or just before she is about to Cum. You look her straight in the eyes and say " (insert name) says hi." Get dressed and leave
From this day forward (insert name) has a green card.
basically a card given to people that legally immigrate to the US that says there’s allowed to stay there permanently.
Tom had gotten his green card after successfully going through the immigration process without problems
mark: wow that kid is really sucking a dick
ellise: ya hes a major shea card
I.M. GA says: Hey! I want to learn cardistry. Which cards can you recommend?
De.d. Mem: Hmm... Maybe you should try FW17 Cardistry Cards.
n. When someone is losing a debate, and tells the other person to chill in order to make themselves look more reasonable and gain credibility.
"I was arguing with someone the other day about who shot first in New Hope and he used the chill card on me to try to make me look like a psycho. What an asshole!"
In the information tech industry, an H1B or immigrant worker hired for technical contracting work.
Due to the new trump immigration rules we lost 2 visa-cards from our scrum team last sprint.