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Tango man

Tango man is a small term used to show if someone is a "TANGO" and a tango is someone who heavily drinks and can down one in a few seconds.

Omfg this guy (idk lets call him kian) kian has just downed a steongbiw he must be a tango man

by The_definition_master March 9, 2020

White man’s fire

When an inexperienced outdoorsman or homeowner attempts to light a bonfire, using improper technique combined with wet wood, resulting in a smoky, smouldering plume that smokes out the whole area so all the neighbours can see and smell it.

Often takes several attempts occasionally using lighter fluid, gasoline or other flammable substances to achieve proper combustion and still required to throw cardboard and / or mixed recycling on top after the fact in order to keep it going. Will periodically fan with a large Tupperware or garbage can lid in order to sustain the fire. It’s about a 20 minute process.

Craig’s been working at that fire for 20 minutes now has done nothing but give off smoke signals

There’s hardly any flame but I can see the smoke from across the lake, must be a white man’s fire.

by Definerofdefinitions October 4, 2023

Mummified cat man

Mummified cat man- a guy who is so disgusting and unhygienic that when you look at the space that they occupy, they might as well have mummified cats like the show Hoarders Buried alive.

"There's that guy from work I was telling you about the one that wears the same clothes all the time and has black teeth, it's the mummified cat man"

by dark poet 83 February 28, 2018

Mr Man

A roblox character with a terrible outfit and is wearing the man face

person 1: look at le epic mr man very sahashonable
person 2: I will eat your soul

by theatrekidobsessedwAlexBrightm February 9, 2023

Mr. Man

The shape of his head causes him constant mental anguish. Is constantly reminded that he should feel bad about his disgusting head shape and shouldn't do anything to address it. He also hates Puerto Ricans.

Hello Mr. Man. We were just wondering if you needed some cheering up today.
Well, the shape of his head causes me constant mental anguish, does it sound like I need cheering up?
In fact, didn't you two come here and tell me I should feel bad about my disgusting head shape and shouldn't do anything to address it?
Goddamnit, they've gotten to everyone.

by BluRazzKookaburra December 20, 2024

Pedo man

A pedo man farts (Spanish) while on foot. A pedo man likes to walk barefoot as he is of the soil. Don’t walk beside or behind the pedo man in case of severe flatulence.

That ped (pedestrian) of the soil is a total pedo man because he walks in the soil while passing gas. Not to be confused with a pedophile. They wear shoes. And fart inside.

by BeStill December 4, 2019

action man

a tall sexy man in a army suit 😏

damn look over there, there’s an action man

by mialikesmorrison800 April 24, 2021