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Yo can I have dis?

used in terms of endearment

"yo can I have dis?"
"okay thank"

by yourenotmyrealmum March 12, 2017

I named you

When you own someone so hard you put your branding on it.

I named you son.

by Thorntonsarah February 24, 2024

I cannor

Slang for 'I want to suck your cock'

Person: I cannor
Person 2: Okay

by a guy with a big thor November 26, 2021

oh holy Magī am I

A deap and humble greatfulness with true honor and appreciation said ONLY by THE MAGISTRATE. To in any way repeat it should only mean that you did not understand that it was "her Magesty"s personal appreciation of all that is to her. Other wise you do understand that it would be considered rude and disrespectful to not have your own personal spiritual conceptual unit for your gratitude of what relationship you have personally.

It is its own sentence! Oh holy Magī am I.

by Finnly December 7, 2023