A drive stay is something Jake Paul made up when he drove away from Dillon Danis cus Jake Paul is a pussy
(Insta: schoolboy_70 show sum love <3)
Let’s go drive stay on tht foo Alex n not “dip dip dip!”
opposite of drive-by. driving by and staying. something Jake Paul did not do because he gets paid millions and millions and millions and millions and— MILLIONS of dollars to fight, why would he fight him for free?
it’s called a fucking drive-by for a reason. it’s not called a fucking drive stay ya dumb fucks.
When Jake Paul tries to be edgy and justify having large party's during a pandemic.
Jake: iTs A dRiVe BY nOt A DrIvE sTaY!!
Commenters: shut the fuck up
The moment where Jake Paul should have fought Dillon Danis in the streets but was too much of a pusseo
“I didn’t drive stay Dillon Danis, why?
Because I’m a pussy of course!
When you call out someone and they want to engage in a fight, but you decide to drive away like a pussy.
Hey did you see Jake Paul Drive Stay that one MMA fighter that could kick his ass?
Must be done with a partner, preferably a significant other.
One person sits on the other person's lap and gives them a lap dance while both people drive the car, the person on the bottom controlling the gas and brakes, and the person on top steering.
Must drive at least 5 miles on an open road, no matter whether or not either person orgasms.
Jenny tried the ultimate driving test with her boyfriend and ended up breaking her arm, she says it's the best sex she's ever had, though.
A totally real and not incorrect use or the past tense of drove used routinely by a certain someone over the course of his life. ITS DEFINITELY A WORD GUYS.
Dom drived the ambulance and parked it in the fire lane, it wasn't me!