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mad animal pile

When 2 or more goofy pets pile up on you.

I sat down in my armchair, and before I knew it, my cats and pug were on top of me. I was in a mad animal pile

by katieemw95 March 30, 2020

Anime Obsessive Disorder

Someone who is extremely obsessed with anime - anime wallpaper, body pillow, anime games, can't go a day without watching anime, et cetera.

Man, Hailey really does have Anime Obsessive Disorder. She's even got a body pillow!

by GamingDUAL October 19, 2020

Anime Kino Rot

Anime Kino Rot is when you have too many good (Kino) anime to watch but you just can't get into any of them. The side effects of this are watching the first (and possibly second) of multiple anime but never the others. The cure for this rot is to choose one anime to watch that has only one twelve episode season and force yourself to watch every episode until it becomes interesting. Keep this mindset up to avoid the rot as it is easy to relapse once the original rot has been cured.
Good luck, weeb!

Originally posted on r/goodanimemes by me.

Friend: Ugh...I have so many good anime on my watchlist but I just can't get into any of them.
Me: That's Anime Kino Rot. Force yourslef to watch a twelve episode anime to cure it.

by Melancholy_girl3 May 10, 2021

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Anime Profile Picture

A person with the most shit opinions conceived, usually.

Person 1: "Don't talk to Francis"
Person 2: "Why"
Person 1: "Cause he has a Anime Profile Picture"

by tomato mad that likes penguin July 15, 2023

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Anime Song Stadium

Anime Song Stadium or (ASS) is the day where the only thing you can play in discord VCs are anime songs. Typically on Wednesday nights, ASS are designed to allow people to flex their knowledge of anime songs to demonstrate weeb superiority. The jiggle and flexibility of ASS allow them to be the heavenly creations they are. Inside an ASS, one can expect divine sensations designed to sooth the mental and physical unrest from a heavy day at school or work. A strong arsenal of anime song assets will allow the bragging rights of being the best in ASS. Every ASS, some will be victorious with the best songs, and others will feel sorry for not being strong enough to defeat the champions of ASS, however, every ASS, people gain more and more experience to try to become the Legend of ASS (LASS) resulting in fierce, invigorated competition that can entertain all.

Weeb1: Were u at last night's ASS(Anime Song Stadium)?! It was killer! I have never been able to seen a full blown out one, but that was amazing!
Weeb2: Yeah, after a boring af day at school I hopped on discord and my useless body was cleansed with the power of ASS! I hope I can win next time with my new killer songs!

by animedonut April 14, 2021

Anime Sex Dungeon

A Name or action that reminds you of a sex dungeon, but anime. Widely known as an insult across certain discords. If you see an anime profile picture, feel free to use this graciously.

Dorgeon sounds like an Anime Sex Dungeon, Wow, Adam is kinda an Anime Sex Dungeon.

by AdamIsAFurry+ November 16, 2019

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sexy anime female

the squip, ahuhu~

Sean Connery. JaCk nICHolsON!!1!1!! or sexy anime female, ahuhu~

by OwO??? March 21, 2018

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