Source Code

Robotic Operating Buddy

A NES accessory who only had two games he was designed to play as a second player he was also in super smash brothers brawl

Robotic Operating Buddy R.O.B

by R.O.BTHEROBOT January 24, 2012

binge watch buddy

Someone who will binge watch a show all day long like it could be your sister or brother or best friend or whoever that your close to and react with it

Me: dude I'm so sorry I didn't see your text I was binge watching netflix with my binge watch buddy
Friend: who is your binge watch buddy
Me: my sister we've been binge watching supernatural

by 529281able February 20, 2017

Our buddy club

Something that you are not a part of.

Agent Washington: Church, I think we have a lead on the meta.
Caboose: Be quiet. You are not in our buddy club/

by Chris le Great July 16, 2009

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jigsaw puzzle buddy

A person who you frequently do jigsaw puzzles with for fun.

Matt: Wow we did that puzzle really fast!
Alex: Yup, its because I'm an amazing jigsaw puzzle buddy.

by Alexandria Grisdale May 26, 2008

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special shopping buddy

(N) A women's designated male friend that she goes to the mall and buys clothes with, whenever the need arises. Most likely, the special shopping buddy is in most cases a platonic friend, or possibly homosexual.

Julie: Hey, are you and danny dating? i saw you guys at the mall together the other day.

Kim: Nah, he's just my special shopping buddy.

by buddy lumpkins January 17, 2010

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kill your buddy

A version of dodgeball in which all the players stand inside the boundaries of a basketball court and attempt to hit other people with balls. There are no teams. If you get hit three times, you go outside the out-of-bounds line and can pick up balls that roll towards you and peg the people still in play. Last person left inside the court wins.

This isn't your ordinary game of dodgeball -- this is kill your buddy.

by ethan February 2, 2004

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Tight Little Buddy

1.A body conscious adolescent male utilized by men of varying socio-economical backgrounds for stimulation. Endlessly customizable, a TLB skill set typically includes: advanced libido detection, high levels of anal retention, tiptop spinnability, bottomless sin reservoir, hungers for it.

2. A tightly packed morsel.

3. A fleshy multi-tool reared to achieve absolute owner satisfaction.

Check out the TLB on the back of that Harley. Nice hogware.

(Tight Little Buddy)

by Popped Top August 18, 2007

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