Source Code

connor is the gayest being

Connor is gay and has been gay since birth, he cried after realizing that he was in a woman and not a man for 9 months. the name Connor has only one straight man to keep the balance, Conor Mcgregor. if you see a conor or connor then just run, it is well known that a connor or conor can infect you and make you gay.

ah look, connor is the gayest being on earth, RUN

by allconnorsaregay September 30, 2021

Connor Jones

Pretty same as Bulvye just go look at that one

Oi Connor Jones why u muted dont talk if ur gay……. Ah shame this nigga gay….

by From5711 August 10, 2022

Jamie Lee Connor

Jamie Lee Connor is a fatty that gets bullied because he's got a big dick, he is secretly the worlds fastest eater, a nazi, my sugar daddy, a man whore and an absolute mong

girl 1: oh my days Jamie Lee Connor has such a big dick
girl 2: yeh but he's fat
girl 1: true and he is a bit of a man whore
girl 2: yeh and you know he loves elizabeth

by Dachōkuns a fitty January 4, 2020

Connor McGregor

If you have this name you are a top G and you slay with the bitches

I wanna meet Connor McGregor so bad

I know right he's so cool

by lalalalalabedvfsh_ydG [=U]139Q November 21, 2022

Connor + Matt

A couple who do everything together including games and other forms of shit

"Hey Matt you wanna play Cards Against Humanity?"
"Only if Connor is Playing" -Matt
"Damn well Connor + Matt"

by NatsuDK November 19, 2018

Connor frenzel

Gay faggot

Connor frenzel is a gay faggot

by DrNegro69 September 28, 2021

Connor Heit

Crispy young man.
Does the longboarding but is horrible at it.

Of Jewish background which you can see by that nose of his.
Louder than two black girls talking.

Connor Heit is Jewish

by St.A December 9, 2017