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Something you prop. have

I mean, your serching "Depression" on urban dictionary.

Person 1 "I have depression."

Person 2 "Then you should go see a therapist."

Person 1 "No. I'm gonna go rant on the internet, that will help!"

Person 2 "Your hopeless."

by Ganykem February 1, 2022


Henley, all henleys

I'm feeling quite henley today (use henley instead of depression)

by shagmaster69420 November 14, 2022



I’m so full of depression

by Thatsmy_handle June 8, 2019


something white trash girls claim to have so they can get attention.

girl 1: I have depression
girl 2: bitch no you don't
girl 1: *leaves*

by stinkymonkey42069 January 28, 2021


I've heard cymbalta can help, but at some point you just gotta accept reality is a cruel bastard.

"I hear Joe's had depression for awhile"

"Sucks to be Joe, I guess."

by SummonerofFaiths July 5, 2020


teens or generation 2018/19

kids on the street vaping bein like "im fkn dpressed"
StUpIdS!!!!! like damn pretending to have depression ?

by madennames April 5, 2019


When death is holding you by your buttocks.

Depression meaning - Death is holding me by the buttocks, I'm taking meds to make him stop.

by Andr Vlaisa March 18, 2019