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Kick Aden day

It is for people that are only spelled Aden not Aiden Adan or what ever just kick the person whenever for that day on the 26 of august

It’s time for kick Aden day. Find an Aden and kick him just not where their d/ck is inverted

by Choose the green button August 20, 2020

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kick out at 2

The Power John Cena possesses which allows him to kick out of anything

Person 1: There is no way Cena can survive a bullet to the head
Person 2: Yes he can, he can just kick out at 2

by Cyberwrecker November 24, 2017

Hyper Wall Kick

The Hyper Wall Kick it's one of the notorious speedrun moves used on Super Mario 64 it is used to make momentum and boost Mario's speed between various Wall jumps, this move it's mostly used as an alternative for the BLJ (Backwards Long Jump) if the game version patches it or the speedrunner decides it's faster to create speed.

Mario can also move in this move but the player has to be aware of perfect timing and map knowledge so mario doesn't bonk on the wall or break the momentum as the wall slide animation starts.

This is the iQue Version so it doesn't allow me to BLJ but don't worry the Hyper Wall Kick it's still around for use.

by Videogame Moves Fan November 12, 2021

Kick a Crongleous Day

October 19th, the one day where it is encouraged to kick a crongleous. Can be celebrated other days, but October 19th is the official day.

Hey forehead you crongleous guess what, it's Kick a Crongleous Day!

by Gabe Lysol October 21, 2019


This is a defense move against the donkey punch. If you are having anal sex and your partner donkey punches you then you kick up and back, like a donkey, hard! This is result in a swift kick to the balls.

John tried to Donkey punch me last night, so I pulled the Donkey-Kick-Back maneuver. Dude never saw it coming. He will think twice about pulling that donkey punch again.

by BitchiestRestingFace October 15, 2017

Kick a ginger day

On April 11th you can kick a ginger

Gavin- Wow that Kim girl is a ginger I wish we could kick her

Everyone- Actually it’s April 11th or national kick a ginger day

Kev dawg- Let’s get her!!!

by GavinGo April 11, 2023

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Kick her Biff in

definition of Biff:- axe wound, piss flaps, beef curtains, minge, cunt, vagina!

the founder of the term kick her biff was one Jonny Morrell, the term was first mentioned to myself in late 2006. And due to my extensive travels the term in now commonly used in such places as Kaula Lumpur, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, USA and the west midlands!

the word biff has also been adapted into other such insults and suggestions such as biff basher, biff licker, biff puncher, biff juice, biff wiff, biff muncher or just the standard biff kciker(s).

this term/word is also awesome because most girls do not know what it means so you can slip it into conversations and amuse yourself and your buddies! If questiioned as to the meaning of the word biff by and non-biff kicker e.g a gay or prude state it is mearly a name of a chracter from back to the future.

Dude Wendy is so hot.

Mate you should totally kick her biff in!

by Smakwizard February 11, 2011

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