A noob is often confused with a newb, but no,
A newb is an inexperienced person new to a game, unlike a n00b, actually wants to get better and will get better,
And noobs, are fucking annoying trolls who aggravate as many as players as possible,and never usually get better at anything,
Noobs talk like this:
L00llllll 1 4m M1G PRO, L00llll u n00b u n000 sw444ggg!!!!!!111!!!!1!!1!1! Y0l0!!!! Sw4g!1!1!1! 1'm s0 c001 1 am b3st 4t this ga3m U sux l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l
(Used to say that they're superior and everyone else is inferior
And here's how to identify a noob:
Using "l0l0l0l0l0l0l"
Numbers in words,
Pointless spamming
Sentences that a normal human would never use,
Fucking downgraded English and gibberish
Annoying the fuck outta others
Newb: hey can you help me, idk how to do this
Experiencenced player: oh yeah sure you do this
Noob: l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l u suck y0l0 sw4g l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l!!!1!1!1!1!1!1 HELPHELPHELP
Experienced Player: no
What jackass teenagers call people that play fortnite.
a Noob, especially a person who is new to an online community and whose online participation and interactions display a lack of skill or knowledge
Guy 1:"Ha Lol u Noob you have no robux (this was made to inform roblox flexers to stfu)"
Me:" Do you know what Noob is?"
Guy 1:" no"
Me:"Let me teach you something Kid a Noob, especially a person who is new to an online community and whose online participation and interactions display a lack of skill or knowledge