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5 seconds of summer

A sexy Aussie band. With members called Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings and are so hot you can fry and egg on them. They wear super skinny jeans and enjoy their leisure time.

You heard of that sexy ass band called 5 seconds of summer?

by Paige123456 October 15, 2013

902๐Ÿ‘ 548๐Ÿ‘Ž

stage 5 cling-on

A girlfriend (or boyfriend) who won't leave you alone. He or she constantly has to know what, when, how, and with who you are doing anything and everything. He or she constantly calls you and wants you in his/her sights 24 hours of every day. This term could also apply to an obsessive admirer.

See the terms Charlene and Annoying for further reference.

Ryan: Hey Dan, what are you doing tonight? Wanna play some COD 4?

Dan: No, I cant. Erica is coming over tonight.

Ryan: Wasn't she over every night this week?

Dan: Yeah.

Ryan: Jesus christ, she's a fuckin stage 5 cling-on.

by Ryan Greeneway March 5, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the ultimate focusing tricks to use. Let's say you have five things you need to get done. Make sure they're startable within ten minutes. Work on them for ten minutes (10). Then take a break for two minutes (+2). Then do this five times (*5). If you are not asian and/or good at math, this equals one hour. You will be surprised at the amount of work you have finished in one hour.

If you haven't noticed yet as well, you notice that you begin to skip breaks. *sneeze* what?

I've got these things I need to get done.

I'll use (10+2)*5.
Do one thing for 10 minutes.
2-minute break usable for anything.
Do this five times.

by Hello moto September 3, 2006

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5 minute rule

A rule or general guideline for the amount of time that should elapse from the time your boss leaves work to the moment you leave. This time buffer, used in corporate settings, will allow you to sneak away from work 'early' without negative consequences.

The boss just left - '5 Minute Rule' then we take off?

by wetterinc February 8, 2008

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2 + 2 = 5

A reference to 1984; signifies somebody has been completly whipped/controled to the point that the person believes/will do anything the whipee/controler tells them. Usually used to mock a friend who has decided to pass up a night with the friends to go do something incredibly gay with their signifcant other.

It's also the title to a radiohead song

Pat: well i would stay and drink with you guys but Heather beeped me and said she needs me to go help her pick out a new purse.
Paul: Yeah, you go do that you fricken douche.
Luke: Hey Pat, wtf does 2+2 equal again?

by el chat March 26, 2005

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Ace Combat 5

Ace Combat 5 is the fifth installment of the AC franchise. This is the first in the series to include wingmen in which you can chose their planes and command them in battle. Ace Combat 5 revolves around Wardog Squadron, a Osean fighter squadron based out of Sand Island Airforce Base, off the western coast of the main country. This group is soon forced into combat through unseen events, and has three seperate engagements (one not playable) with enemy fighters supposedly from Yuktobania, another superpower. The team sinks two Yuktobanian war-subs, the Scinfaxi and Hrimfaxi. During a flyby of a stadium elsewere, the team loses one of it's valued pilots, and goes into a demonic rage and destroyes enemy fighters above the stadium. After later escaping from knowing too much, the remaing loyal squadron memebers hide out on the carrier Kestral where they recieve a new addition to their team. Soon after, all planes are given a Jet Black paint job, with the flight leader, Blaze, being given death red tips at the top of the vertical rudder on the back. The unit is then renamed Razgriz Squadron and serves directly under the Osean president. Razgriz Squadron succesfully stops the nuclear bombing from Arkbird, the rebirth of Belka, and the fallout of SOLG.
For more timeline info see Ace Combat 5 events

Ace Combat 5 is probably the longest and most unorthadoxed game in the series.

by iseeum May 22, 2008

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Name 5 Cereals

A funny game only played between friends. Without warining you grab your friend'nipple and squeeze harder and harder untill they name 5 cereals. The results are always hilarious.

Man 1:(grabs Man 2's ) NAME 5 CEREALS!!!

Man 2: (wincing in pain) Um...FROSTED FLAKES....LUCKY CHARMS...DUR NESQUICK!!

by PalindromemordnilaP April 22, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž