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Word of the day

A definition of a word that Urban Dictionary puts on their main page.

Why hasn't there been a word of the day for the last 6 days?

by PenguinedPsyduck0xq0 March 12, 2021

Word of the day

Bullshit word of the day

This is bullshit word of the day

by Sakcheykhatau May 16, 2021

“O word?”

it’s basically like using the word oh really

person: “i got some new shoes
other person: “O word?”

by wizzkirr March 22, 2022

four words

a warning before you bitch someone out for touching your shit.

"four words- DONT TOUCH. MY SHIT."

or more specific
"four words- DONT TOUCH. MY PHONE."
"four words- BACK THE FUCK UP."

by moderndreamer March 19, 2009

Nickel Word

An uncommonly used word that has the property of being exotic and or clever relative to the claimant.

Bob: "Sherlock Holmes is scrupulous when investigating crimes."

Jim: "Bob! Don't use nickel words around me, I don't understand them."

by R Blaine February 14, 2018

word keel

A word keel is a set of periods arranged in Microsoft Word to be counted as words and is coloured white to be hidden. When a student or employee wants to cheat on a digital report or paper they type ". . . . . . . ." for however long they need to reach the word requirement and change the colour to white so they cannot be seen on the document. Most bosses and teachers don't manually check word counts thus making word keels an effective trick.

he was supposed to have a thousand words in his paper but he had a pretty big word keel, about 200 I think.

by Grav Tristen March 3, 2019

word nonce

someone who thinks theyre proper clever cause they no the difference between spelling words.

'it's spelt *too* not *to*'
'WHO CARES! what are you some kind of word nonce?'

by Busby F. Humblebee May 18, 2020