Perfectness describes Andreis future wife Zack (a+z forever <3)
Zack is absolutely pretty her prettiness and perfectness cannot be matched by anyone else in this universe.
This is a test to see if the spacing is crap
Normal person: does a very perfect middle finger emoji *f you!!!*
Urban Dictionary: hmm lemme just copy-WAIT WHATTTT 404 GITHUB ERROR?
A amazing game where you shoot pixels while being afk for 100hrs.
"Man I Love that hit game the perfect tower 2"
used to describe a woman's ass or boobs and how good they look that they might as well have come from California
man 1: hey see that girl, thats my ex
man 2: whoa I can't have her but she got that california perfection!
man 3: she may as well have come from california since her boobs are sooooo fresh
man 1: mmmmm...