The best set of sisters you will ever meet! Super fun and cool to be around and my bestest friends in the whole world. Only question is, is it Psalms and Hannah or Hannah and Psalms. Other than that issue you have the perfect pair. :)
Are those the Wimbrey sisters?
YES!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!
Me too!
This refers to the palm of the hand and the five fingers,and is a term used for masterbating
I bet you had fun in the bathroom with Palmella Handerson and her five sisters
Really fucking hot. -Joey
Lewis’s sister is so hot
The best Nun in the world. She likes to sing holy moly in bed. She is gay. She likes to say penis a lot. She likes to keep her armpits white and have herself tan. SHE HATES PALE PEOPLE.
Sadie: Hey sister ava
Sister Ava: Shut up you're pale
Sadie: You got me there.
Sister Ava: PENIS
If everyone was a thought brother/sister, there wouldn't be anyone more in charge than the next, there would be no hierarchy.
A thought brother/sister must be a dream to wake up from, since people seem to want a thought leader more than they want one of those.
The actor/singer/celebrity that could be the little brother or sister of anyone with a little brother or sister, since this person actually was somebody's little brother or sister growing up.
If the singer/actor thought his/her boy/girl next door image was bad, he/she could have always got stuck with the America's little brother/sister image of the other actor/singer/pop star.