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Morning text terrorist

When one receives an early morning text from someone who wakes you up. That person is known as a morning text terrorist!

Currently in a sleep status then suddenly at 8am "beep beep" recived text from girlfriend/boyfriend "morning i love you xxxxxx" a real morning text terrorist

by Wordmaster2000 June 17, 2013

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Compulsive Texting Disorder

- a condition in which an individual would rather text (communicate via text messaging) than verbally communicate (via phone) texter
- individuals who suffer from CTD may become proficient in text jargon ( LOL , OMG, TTYL , etc)

Man, this chick must have Compulsive Texting Disorder 'cause everytime I try to call her she ignores my call but then she texts me right afterwards.

by Trailer Trash Triplet #2 February 5, 2010

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texting out loud

blabbering while texting, not getting your thoughts together. like "thinking out loud."

i'm still in on half "was thinking i'd go with 180 but never mind."

later: i was texting out loud.

by bry piper December 7, 2010

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Repeat Text Offender

One who incessantly resends text messages to urge a person to reply. (Usually thinking that the recipient failed to receive the message, but likely just to be rude.)

Alex: "What happened last night with your phone, who was texting you?"
Kell: "It's Timmy, he won't leave me alone; he's a total Repeat Text Offender!"

by PB n' K April 15, 2009

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Attempting to drive and text at the same time... without much success.

You look over and see a car swerving aimlessly, and the driver is looking at his/her lap...

'Hah. That chick needs to practice. She's got a bad case of the text-n-twitch...'

by BIGmack101 May 18, 2009

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TextDillaPhobia- A very common disease. Most common among teenage girls at the age of 12 to 21. Symptoms include - OverTexting, Constantly holding a Cellular Phone, Loud Shreeking, And Much usage of the words, LOL, And OMG in public. If you or a friend has symptoms of or has TextDillaPhobia, Quickly, If they have a cell phone, Shove it down their throats and keep jabbing them in the ribs until their cell phone starts dropping calls.

This is a life threatning disease.It is a real disease. So do your part and help stop TextDillaPhobia.

FireFighter: Fire, Happened so rappidly in so many parts of town, We couldn't contain it.

Pedestrian: What are the causes of the fires?
FireFighter: We have come down to one conclussion,
Text-Dilla-Phobia. Casualtys are around 6 billion. All dead.
Pedestrian: OH GOD!! Have they Qaurtined the area yet?
FireFighter:We are trying, But at this rate, The whole Country might be at stake. This disease started out small in few teenagers...But now its spreading...TO ADULTS AND CHILDREN!!
Pedestrian: This is serious. We might have to nuke every city at the source of this Text-Dilla-Phobia.

by CrimsonJagwire November 12, 2010

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Reverse Text-Fuck

To repeatedly text your buddy or ex-girlfriend when you know that they are getting laid.

Stanley is upstairs banging Dawn. Let's Reverse Text-Fuck him.

by immature922 May 15, 2009

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