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Try-Hard Slut

a person who copies friends and wants attention. she thinks shes cool when shes not. shes ugly. is loud about what she does and overly dramatic. cries and apologises frequently.

omg! that jessica is such a try-hard slut !

what a slut.

by blod990 December 16, 2011

73πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

these fishsticks are hard as tits

extreme expression of dissaproval; derived from the tourettes guy

one day billy bob gets fired and exclaims:'these fishsticks are hard as tits!!"

by ninjamann13 June 5, 2007

73πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

cheesin' mad hard

When someone says that they are cheesin real hard it means that they are smiling real hard or that they have a really big smile on their face.

I am so happy, I'm cheesin' mad hard!

by Mouse Ninja July 16, 2014

32πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

rock and a hard place

in a tight spot; having to make an impossible decision; a lose-lose situation

Shack wants to go to her best fish's birthday, but she already promised to go out of town with her friend. she is between a rock and a hard place.

by don't hate me February 4, 2005

88πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

go hard in the paint

Finish a task aggressively, trying really hard to get it done. Comes from basketball, where players must aggressively drive to the hoop from within the painted region of the court.

Bill is all about makin' his cash, hustlin' to the top. He likes to go hard in the paint.

by skibot July 19, 2012

464πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Playing hard to get

Some women play hard to get with a guy even when she doesn't find him attractive nor has any romantic interest in him. She just likes to be chased and passionately desired because it's like a power trip for her. Then, when she gets bored she just cuts him off, especially if she's an extremely attractive women who's aware of her own extreme attractiveness. Women like that have lots of options and usually get what they want, and it seems no matter how much you protest, no matter how cruel her actions are, she doesn't feel one ounce of sympathy because she has a legion of other guys that will drool over her and do her bidding. That's why it's so important not to immediately fall for women like that. I know it's difficult to resist a beautiful woman - very difficult, but you just have to precondition yourself to do it. Admire her beauty for a while, but if you sense that she's...that kind of girl, just move on.

Don't be anybody's fool, that's what I say. So, the whole playing hard to get thing is often not cute. For guys looking for something serious, it's potentially a waste of time.

by TΓΈΓΈtNΓΈΓΈt July 10, 2019

120πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

hard wood floors

a completely shaved pussy

Do the curtains match the carpet?
I have hard wood floors.

by Jims friend November 5, 2007

100πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž