You're not feeling well about what somebody did.
I'm sick that you really liked to me.
1. This is a mindset or way of thinking that pertains to very dark humor and very unwholesome thoughts. It can also be described as a very perverted and twisted way of thinking. Ex. "Your sick"
2. It can also be used a a way to describe something, ex. "that's sick" it helps describe an action, video, or etc. is "sick"
"Yo you see that girl, she's hot I'd bang her." Dude she's 13, your sick!"
"Dude did you see that, she just hit him with the snot rocket!" "Yoooooo that's SICK!"
Something you say you are to avoid work.
I’m going to tell my boss that I’m sick because I don’t want to work.
1) the act of being ill or unwell
2) a slang word used to describe something good
1) oh, man, I think I'm sick. My head's throbbing
2) oh, dude, that was sick!
2 little idiots that are in love. it’s a ship name for simonne and nick. even though simonne is cheating on him for zach. #sac
omfl is that simonne and nick? let’s go up to them and say sick!!
o noo!! simonnes cheating on nick for zach. #sac
Sick is a feeling that you can describe its clenching it’s yucky and repulses everything and everyone, FAUNA AND FLORA!!!
To describe a person that jacks off to their mums videos posted porn hub.
I caught Jim jacking it to his mum again. It was sick.