We interrupt this advertisement for a small video break.
Sources: Dude trust me.
Well they just pulled a YouTube.
A addicting website where you can view people doing arts and crafts ( 5 minute crafts ), video games ( Dantdm , and idiotic dares ( like the idiot Jake Paul ). It is as addicting as skooma from skyrim
I will go watch a YouTube video.
The 2d best website in the world, in my opinion.
"YouTube is lit."
A person who shows offensive, pointless stupidity, mainly used on the website YouTube.
A person who shows high levels of purposeful intelligence to another person.
“That guy on the seat next to me was such a youtube”
“Tiktokers are such youtubes, they don’t care about anyone else”
The most enternaining site You could go on
Youtube Is the bes site Everrr!
YouTube is a place for arguing with strangers about politics or video games or sports teams ,etc. The video is just a bonus feature that you watch after you scrolled through the comments.
erverybody got a tude on the YouTube
(Derogatory) - An action, moment, or individual that exhibits pointless and/or offensive stupidity.
(Complimentary) - An action, moment, or individual that exhibits purposeful and/or inoffensive intelligence.
(Derogatory) - A person farts in a crowded elevator and announces "It was I!". It smells really bad and people begin to feel sick. This person is a YouTube.
(Complementary) - A person stands back in a crowded elevator to let others in. They ask you what floor you would like, and push the button for you. This person is a YouTube.