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Sources: Dude trust me.

Well they just pulled a YouTube.

by You Didn't Have To Cu- April 26, 2022


A addicting website where you can view people doing arts and crafts ( 5 minute crafts ), video games ( Dantdm , and idiotic dares ( like the idiot Jake Paul ). It is as addicting as skooma from skyrim

I will go watch a YouTube video.

by CrazedFox December 10, 2018


The 2d best website in the world, in my opinion.

"YouTube is lit."

by zinc_47 January 19, 2017


A person who shows offensive, pointless stupidity, mainly used on the website YouTube.
A person who shows high levels of purposeful intelligence to another person.

“That guy on the seat next to me was such a youtube”

Tiktokers are such youtubes, they don’t care about anyone else”

by Døov January 27, 2023


The most enternaining site You could go on

Youtube Is the bes site Everrr!

by thebestdictionarymaker! January 4, 2024


YouTube is a place for arguing with strangers about politics or video games or sports teams ,etc. The video is just a bonus feature that you watch after you scrolled through the comments.

erverybody got a tude on the YouTube

by Coffee=CureToAll LifesProblems October 31, 2018


(Derogatory) - An action, moment, or individual that exhibits pointless and/or offensive stupidity.

(Complimentary) - An action, moment, or individual that exhibits purposeful and/or inoffensive intelligence.

(Derogatory) - A person farts in a crowded elevator and announces "It was I!". It smells really bad and people begin to feel sick. This person is a YouTube.

(Complementary) - A person stands back in a crowded elevator to let others in. They ask you what floor you would like, and push the button for you. This person is a YouTube.

by IdleOutlaw January 25, 2023