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Around the back sack pack

Another word for a male's jock strap

Did you purchase your around the back sack pack for the upcoming game?

by Syelent March 7, 2017

If you spend enough time around Christianity

You'll become Christian? What!? How!? By way of osmosis!? Maybe I gave you more credit than you deserve.

Hym "And what do you mean by that? If you spend enough time around Christianity you become Christian. Then how do you explain people like Matt Dillahunty? Or maybe... Yoi set up an environmental trap... Maybe mimic the delusions of reference associated with schizophrenia and torment the people into converting into your incest cult. They'd be like a grasshopper on concrete. And if Christianity is just this nebulous thing rhen what even is it? Eaching crackers once a week with your incest friends? If I eat crackers and drink wine am I a Christian, Alex? Does celebrating a PAGAN winter festival that Christians STOLE (which is a sin) make me a Christian or does it make me a Pagan?"

by Hym Iam July 9, 2024

Norwegian Reach Around

A Norwegian Reach Around, is when your Crab Fishing and your Buddy Bangin and Reach Around with your Crab Glove and Proceed to Jack Them Off....

Hey, Did you give them a Norwegian Reach Around ?

by KeWL6iX October 4, 2021

Wrong way around shoulder ride

A BDSM sex position whereby the male tosses their partner into the air and eats them out while they ride on their shoulders.

It is less commonly referred to as a signature wrestling move in the WWE entertainment industry

I just gave my wife the best wrong way around shoulder ride ever, she was a happy bunny the rest of the night ;)

by ganjamannn June 28, 2022

Smo’ Around

To go smoke weed and hang out

Me, Ezra, Max and Steven like to Smo’ Around on Saturday.

by Ryemaster Bob January 8, 2019

Rudolf the brown-nosed reach around

A sex act involving 3 people. One person has their nose in another persons butt while the first person is having sex doggy style with another person. One of said persons is reaching around and putting their own finger in their own butt.

Ryan, Becky and Lisa performed a “Rudolf the brown-nosed reach around” last night.

by Daphnedoes March 17, 2022

oklahoma reach around

When a male shoves his penis so far down a persons throat that it comes out the ass of that person, allowing the male to give himself a reach around

I got so mad that I gave Jordan an Oklahoma Reach Around. That’ll be the last time he talks trash

by Penetrator69 November 25, 2017