The derogatory term coined and used by Livonia Police for African Americans. The numerical 0-4 is an archaic code law enforcement once used in police reports for the black race.
The former code NIL (N-word In Livonia) used by Livonia Police was retired once a citizen cracked the code by listening to their radio communications from a police scanner. Due to the scandal, they implemented 'oh four' and switched their police radio to a private frequency that cannot be scanned by the public.
"We have to do a raid in Detroit because fucking oh fours robbed a bank in Livonia".
"Livonia is 90+% white yet more than half of tickets and arrests are oh fours".
Analogous to a 'tune up.' Typically performed one-on-one, behind closed doors, in a private office/room.
Recruit #1: "How the hell did Jones break his beak like that? Is it true that he got the four wall treatment from Rodriguez?"
Recruit #2: "Shit, brah, all I know is that he was gettin' an ass chewin' from Gunny Rodriguez, then I heard him mouth off with something, then it was like 'BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM.' Then the shit got real quiet. So I took off before Gunny four-walled my skinny ass next!"
Holding fours means you are obsessed with us.
“He/she is holding fours, they must be obsessed with Marina and Mia.”
Holding up fours means you’re obsessed with Mia and Marina
Everyone is holding fours because they’re obsessed with Mia and Marina
Li seal with the white seal
Li stay with the red seal
Li scale with the black seal
Li slay with the pale seal
uniliminal message
The four riders are just something of legend
It spells out the insult fagg explaining that you identity as that
I am a “four fingers sideways”
Higher than very high.
Tier four was a new and unexpected Christmas addition to the UK's three tier Covid alert system of Medium, High, Very High.
"Jo - you took a lot of beans. How high are you right now? Like, very high or tier four high?"
"Sounds like you were under a lot of pressure to deliver on that project!" "Yeah, seriously, it's been tier four."
It was all to play for and the stakes were tier four.