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Hot Potaload

An activity similar to the game 'hot potato', which requires the participation of a male referee and at least two contestants. The referee ejaculates into one of the contestants' mouths and proceeds to play "Der Ententanz" by Werner Thomas. All contestants then must pass the ejaculate (in a clockwise formation) by the act of snowballing the load from one to another. Once the music stops, the contestant currently with the ejaculate must swallow the load and is then ejected from the game. The last contestant remaining becomes the winner. The winner's reward is typically a fisting.

Would you guys mind at least putting a tarp down the next time you decide to play Hot Potaload? Sarah threw up all over her lobster bib during the second round. This has been the messiest family BBQ ever.

by Fluidyne August 13, 2013

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hot as Hades

A slightly humorous and outdated expression in the South denoting hot and humid weather conditions.

As soon as Grandma stepped off the car she uttered: "Dear Lord! It's hot as Hades in here already!

by SouthofSouthwest January 24, 2012

36πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Hot Topic

A store that sells slightly overpriced clothes but hey if you're truly original you can buy something cool from there and match it with some thrift coture to make something truly cutting edge.
i like it
i think its cool
you wanna shoot me? okay... whatever.
but hey you're labeling everyone that goes in there and that doesn't make you any better than a poser.

Opinions on hot topic.

prep: to dark and black.

goth: a reflection on the morbid nature in the artist's mind

punk: chains that cordinate and look cool with skate boards.

nerd: a way to show i can wear something bold.

poser: a way to conform with others...

look all sorts of people go in there
sure, some are losers and poser but others are the morbid dreamers (true goths) and the people who like the hair color... i mean really... just lay off... let people express themsevles.

im me if you have something to say in regards to this: truechicanry

by mara July 19, 2004

235πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

Hot Topic

A store, which sells a lot of poser stuff. But they do sell some cool band t-shirts, and CDs. I like it, but they need to get rid of the fucking poser shit. As in things for the 11 yr old girls who think they are so punk/goth.

Keep the Misfits stuff.
Burn the Good Charlotte stuff.

by Anonymous October 12, 2004

125πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

Hot Banana

While having condom intercourse, the gentleman pulls out, peels off the condom, throws it to the ground and yells "HOT BANANA!!" before reinsertion... the angry lass then gets up in disgust to go to the washroom, and slips on the 'peel'

Insurance will say if it's a hot banana or a banana peel.
Medicare won't cover both.

by Ground0 June 24, 2015

24πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Hot Water

1. the opposite of cold water
2. trouble that you find yourself in after you have a few tastey beverages

Nona found herself in hot water after a bro ho tried to dance with her in front of the shit hot band.

by Fav 80s girl October 20, 2011

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

hot lettuce

Lettuce that has been in contact with other hot food, resulting in an elevated temperature of the leafy green topping. Common substances responsible for heat transfer include cheese, mayonnaise, buffalo sauce, and toasted sesame seed buns. The lettuce may also be cooked by broiling, roasting, frying, steamed, or flambΓ©d. A controversial gastronomic phenomenon, hot lettuce has been known to divide families. Proponents laud it as a delicacy while others find it unfit for consumption. Real talk: it's mainly something white people like.

"Kenzie went to Amigo's and got a #3 with extra lettuce. How can she eat all that hot lettuce without wanting to yammy?"
"Are you kidding me? Hot lettuce is bomb... faaaa shooo."

by Arcese July 20, 2009

49πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž