Noah is someone who may not be very open at firstt and may seem all tough on the outside but after you get to know them can be very kind and gentle. Noahs know how to treat a girl and any girl that he dates should NEVER want to leave him. Noahs take charge of a situation and and always assume a leadership role. Noahs are great.
hot ass American man, yes he be goofy but u know u love it. very sporty tbh he doesnt talk abt that much tho and he is very sweet not to mention he gets u with the dirty jokes if u find this noah, your incredibly lucky to have such a noah of a man, and his life goal is to see boobas so your in for luck.
person 1: yo have u met noah?
person 2: no should i?
person1 : brooooo your so lame
A Really Annoying Kid That Gets On everyone's nerves and cries when people don't show up to his parties.
Beth was acting Like a complete Noah during lunchtime.
He was acting like a noah when someone was hurt.
The huge dangling part of the female vulva, preferring to stay in the dick.
I want to go to the game but Tom is being a Noah.
A Very Rude Term Generally Meaning Your a Little Whiny Bitch.
1. Usually Said During a Fight
2. Sexually Offensive
Stop Being A Noah, Frank!!
Ok!!! Geez Louize Danielle!!
A Crazy Maniac that loves to flip phones and do crazy stuff like clapping his boots together and put their feet on the table. He also loves to make non-school appropriate jokes and loves to swear a ton